

imaginary lover
A text in the morning
Honey hope you slept well,
Cause in my thoughts you always dwell.
I cover my eyes from the sun light,
So I can have a visible sight.
His words bring a smile,
I want to be happy even for a while.

I messaged him back;
Saying,I'm still laying,
Waking up never felt this good.
Your love for me in your message reflect.

He calls;
Making my heart beat rapidly fast at the sound of his voice,
My inner being rejoice.
I wish to see you soon,
How about in the noon.

I said;
I couldn't wait,
Just don't be late.
I must've fallen asleep,
Cause when I woke up,
I cursed my luck.

Holding my pillow tight,
As it was still night.
It was only a dream,
So it seem.