

Mind troubled,
With nowhere to go,
A thought of being able to handle it all,
Yet the storm keeps coming at you,
And you don't just know which direction to paddle your boat,
'Cos the current is so derf and the tides keep coming at you.

Eventhough you can't help but wish you could run to a safe santuary and forget all about your troubled waters,
But then where do you run to?
A question you keep asking your tender soul.
Yet you couldn't give answers...

Some other times you just wish you could let out your ever saline solution and make an ocean,
And maybe; just maybe...
All your ocean of worries and fears will vanish into the thin air within a twinkle of an eye,
But then wishes they were...

What then could you do,
When stuck in the middle of the deep blue sea and it all seems gloomy,
With all hope gradually becoming frail.

All you could do is turn to the creator; Controller of all affairs.
For he would never desert you,
And he is true to his promise.
Remember that; after every difficulty comes ease,
So turn to him; For with him your heart is gladly rested,
And he alone can calm your troubled waters.
© Asiat Adeleke