

A Beautiful Day In November
Today, is a beautiful day.
It's warm for mid november.
The leaves have all fallen from the trees.
In the air there's a brisk cool breeze.
Sitting here waching the fire dance in the embers.
This is a day that I will truly remember.
The deer stop briefly to say hi as they are passing by.
There's a little squirrel in the tree.
He's keeping his eye on me.
As he runs up and down collecting acorns to bring back to his nest.
Flocks of birds flying south,
Landing in the trees to rest.
And I must confess.
It's days like these that I feel truly blessed.
For a short while, I fail to notice my heavy heart or the weight on my chest.
The smell of the smoke permiates my nose.
As it settles it's self in my clothes.
Warm cup of coffe in my lap.
The stretch of my arms and a yawn,
Tells me it might be time for a nap.
Im so relaxed.
And I don't have any place I've got to go.
So I close my eyes.
Feel the warmth of the fire on my face.
And drift off to sleep.
After I pray the lord my soul to keep.
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I only wish they could all be this way, I confess.
Thank you Lord, I am truly

© James L. Babcock Jr.