

You are Icarus, Not Daedalus
Don't act as if you are the air I breathe.
Don't tell me what to do with my own life.
Don't expect me to act like you are worth more.
Don't assume things and put me on pedestal.
Don't make me feel guilty for things I didn't do.
Don't play the victim and cry as if you're the only one hurt.
Don't be such a goody goody to gain pity and attention.

You are nothing but another side character
that plays no special role in my life.
So don't act big just because I once cared.
But now that you've turned the table,
I feel nothing but indifference towards you.

You may think you have the upper hand now
but I will definitely be there to see you stumble in the future.

Remember, the more you soar high,
the greater you'll fall.
You are Icarus,
not Daedalus.
You're bound to fall,
you are bound to fail.

You're just a passerby so get lost!

© eacee

#apollo #icarus #sorrynotsorry #victim #getlost #passerby #hate