

A Memory Of Glass
Most of us living, knows that our memory;
Were all bound to be in one place,
And bound only within the center;
Of our own memory.

In life most of us, can relate;
And somehow, some of us,
Had forgotten every single
Of every detail.

However, no one should be blamed,
For a memory of every person reacts
Like a ticking time bomb,
Ready to be detonated, and forget.

And i know, most of us living;
Takes a lot of blame on our own,
But that should make a change.
Besides human memory is just a glass.

Whenever a glass can keep plenty of good things,
And sometimes it breaks for bad things that happen,
And splits, for their are times;
That storage gets full and need for flush out.

A memory does age a lot,
And besides; were all mortals
So we should embrace,
What's left that is good within us.

"Try not to thinking of any hasty actions, that leads you to negativity; and embrace the good memory while our lives counts on living."
© The Book owl