

I wish I had known that, you have become my enemy and this world has also started hating us.My love, my life, my blood, my purity everything is yours dear love trust me.I thought it was all yours and wanted to lay it at your feet but you didn't trust me because I have also done true love, I have done more than you did
If death is written in the fate of both of us, then it should come to me first because I cannot see you alive, suffering to gether for this I die first.
O God, you have made the heart as well, you have made the fate as well, what is in the heart is not written in the fate..What mistake have I done that you are punishing me so much?
I used to pass by the same street where that girl lived on rent because I liked that girl so much that I even lost my life for her.
She doesn't get time to look back at us..
I miss you as much as no one would have wanted you,Ever since we found out she didn't love us, we stopped going down that street,I do not wish to be famous in front of anyone, but you know that I am famous for you.
@vinodh kumar Rk Rathod ✍️📚💞
© vinod sam