

A ship named, CCE.
A ship journeyed with a few Captains,
from the port to right destination. Carried some trainees, who going to lead many sheeps.

Faced many storms during this internship
but the Lord Jesus took the leadership.
So, never drowned,
cause lord never let it down.

Needed some patience while guiding these students.
Sharped the knowledge like an edge of an arrow,
To shape and serve the world tomorrow.
Captains not only taught education,
but also brought best things out through this expedition.
Me, one among these students, getting trained from these few captains.

Wonder how to start,
to say some words about a captain who is in my heart.
he look short, but very sharp.
wear spectacles to see the direction, in many angles.
Face glows like a gold, even in cold.
Consoled many hearts with words of encouragement,
who were sailing with disappointment.

Even I wasn't belonged to his committee,
but he cared without any partiality.
Concerned each and everyone with compassion.
So we have been good companions,
Even though we had different opinions.

When the ship decided to have an annual party,
which contained programmes with variety,
where everyone could reveal their creativity.
This Captain asked me to play a role in his audition,
Even though I had many reasons, but accepted without any hesitation.
I was amazed by him seeing from lower deck
how he trained 44 students who were in the upper deck.

I was flying in the middle of the sea,
Atlast, when he took snap with me,
The days in this ship gave us many sweet memories,
which can't be erased from our histories.

When the ship was about to reach it's port,
we were asked to accommodate in a boat.
Our eyes clouded with tears, when our mind filled with moments we spent with our peers.
Comedies, gigglings, stage performance, all flashed in front of us.
We miss our golden days in Christopher's.

Even we were in a cage of gold, they mould us to shine the world.

Finally, we sang our hymn and song happily.
Which showed that we are Christopher's family.

I write this poem to my captain,
whose birthday falls on april ten
And he is an Indian 🇮🇳.


⛵Row row, row a boat gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily merrily life is but a dream.

© Hephzibah lilly