

safe Space
To pacify a friends' emotionally disturbed heart, To handle the twists and turns of life, We have to try to lend a hand and help each other out, Because living alone is like holding the edge of a knife.In times when hearts are disturbed and frayed,
When life's twists and turns our peace invade,
We must offer a solace, a comforting embrace,
For in friendship's warmth, solace finds its place.

When storms of emotion cloud their tranquil skies,
We'll be there to soothe, to empathize,
To pacify their troubled, burdened heart,
And let them know they're never torn apart.

For living alone, like a knife's sharp edge,
Is a lonely existence, a solemn pledge,
But together, hand in hand, we find our way,
Through life's labyrinth, come what may.

In unity we stand, in times of great despair,
Facing the tests that life will dare,
With kindness in our hearts, we'll lend a hand,
And help each other, a loving friendship's band.

For the road may waver, it may twist and turn,
But in friendship's flame, we will never spurn,
The chance to guide, to share the load,
And bring solace to a heart that erodes.

So let us be each other's steadfast support,
In this journey of life, a pact we deport,
For together we'll find strength in unity,
To navigate the tides of life's endless sea.
© darkviolet - Dental