

Death is looming
Death is looming
I can hear it whispering
in my ears
It whispers in a sweet
pace lulling me and
as I close my eyes
I see my own coffin
covered in daisies and
black roses
A sombre mood of my
family weeping for me
My friend in a lowsoul
paying his last respect
with enormous
anguish all over his soul
My beloved very disillusioned
as she cracks a very loud
cry trigerring the eyes
of everyone to
drop a tear

Death is looming
It came at night
like a thief
It came at night
and snatched my
father's soul from
his sleep and so siezed
my mother's happiness
Who can predict death?
Our doors were locked
and windows sealed but
death became our guest
He must have came
through the hey hole
Crawled silenty on
the floor through the
corridor and invaded
my parent's bedroom

Death is looming
It turned over my
mother's car when
she was driving
on the highway
Drained all the red
fluid from her body then
carried her spirit to
the azure sky
Leaving the whole
road in a catastrophe
One stranger bursted
into tears
The horrifying scene
rewinded her mind
She recollected about
the forlon even she
once encountered
where a two years
lost his life
Death is villainous

Death is looming
It became a best friend
to all the dreadful diseases
Both united in my
aunt's body leaving
her feeble
It silenty accompanied
her to the hospital
Lied with her on
her bed then swept
away her breath

Death is looming
It came fleet in a
bullet and jabbed
my brother's flesh
Silenced him
until eternity
Oh how gried-stricken
I was to see such
a congenial and
courteous man
floating in a pool
of his own blood
Death is gruesome
It always downcast
people when ever
it visits


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