

The Undiscovered
by Tushar

I am in pain,
helplessly watching the poor in
everyday rising in the number of cases,
affecting all people neglecting their races,

It has conquered the world,
but few people are very bold,
walking with no social distance,
by showing off their body has high resistance,

These efforts are done by fools,
energizing others to break rules, bringing their family in trouble,
where the amount for treatment is unaffordable,

Corona being a strong virus, which is highly infectious,
taking us far beyond 20 years,
creating a hell lot of fears,

Made us follow the lockdown,
that created all the stores to shut down,
the pollution level has been decreased,
due to rainfall, the sufferers have increased,

At this moment we should prepare our life's strong outline,
that makes our life to remember this quarantine,
My salute to all the workers of the nation,
working day and night neglecting their condition,

This poetry is dedicated to all My people of India.
They are doing their best to fight back against Covid-19, so we should follow the rules by the government.
Thank you all.
Date: 14/6/2020
# poetrybytushar
# quarantinepoems
# quarantinepoemprompts
#stayhome #staysafe #socialdistancing