

"Light roast
Dark roast
Or somewhere in between
This is what I need to know
For my heart - a green bean;
Turns to brown when heated
It pops, with crack, I cant believe it
I asked my self : Am I this devastated
I, too, answered : Yesn't

You selected my Raw Green Bean heart
You are looking for the highest grade possible To purchase or import
You evaluate even more :
bean size, bean color,
uniformity of size and color,
occurrence of any of my "defects"
and most importantly the flavor
of the roasted coffee ( when I'm brewed )

You have found my defects
See me, I'm unripened bean,
Broken before Ive been roasted
Discolored being
Ain't sifted, I have with me
Foreign matters : stones and twigs
Great number of defects found
in my random sample;
lower grade of bean I am.

Higher quality coffee
is more carefully sorted
to remove all of the defects

Sorting takes more time
and as we all know
time is money, for the employees
and for the crafty
which is why higher grade coffee
costs more.

I know my worth
But I'm not that high grade coffee
I'm a low-cost cold chilly coffee jelly"

© philadelphia ✨