

The passing wave perception

There was a time when I could only see the world through my eyes
Now I see spots of colour
That make up mine
Solutions of light
That swirl
And spiral
And spin
There is a light that shines from within
This is the light
No, not the kind that sits in its own presence
But the kind that needs to be warmed up a bit
Stirred whilst the warmth settles in
Like the molasses of sugar
Dissolving into butter
Or the true colours that are always revealed
Under the rays of light
These pass you by
But are always by your side
And when you least expect it
You may just see the world
Through a new set of eyes
A mind engaged with a world so complex
Happiness and love
Acting in ways none other than concordant
The breezes of every season
That always pass you by
But are always by your side
These are what you should act in unison with
Ease into it
Go with the flow
The different perspectives of everyone
Coming and going
Like seasons that pass you by
Weather that fluctuates
Feelings that always have opposites
Don't hold on
For the time will soon come
When pain turns to pleasure
Sadness turns to Joy
Winter relates to Summer
Spring erodes autumn
All desires will be deployed
Until we realise that feelings are never so partial
To hold onto one
Merely to oppose the other
Only allows suffering to seep in
Life was never meant to be so hierarchal
© zara-iona