

Is that the End....!?
As the days are passing by,
The winter enters, the tress fade and the leaves die.
Is that the End!?

Why am I on the verge of crying?
When even the things are okay but I just don't feel them okay.
Is that the End!?

As the sunrise turns to sunset, I dont feel Alive. I feel sometimes like the scattered sky has taken away the shelter from my head.
Is that the End!?

The nightmare's dont let me sleep peacefully and the pain in my dreams are unbearable.
Is that the End!?

I try to fill colours in my life but still its colourless. I feel like I am the still water where current is not visible.
Is that the End!?

Why do I feel to cry at every single moment as if my life is coming closer to Death.
Is that the End!?

I sometimes feel that my close once left me and now there is no reason for me to survive.
Is that the End!?.......


© Sanika n.