

When you smiled,
I swore you said
"I miss you".
Miss me.
I smiled back
I meant to say
"I miss you too".
Every day
Every hour,
Time has no mercy
Please. Just stop
For a second longer
So I may look at you
One minute more.
Your eyes, they glittered
I couldn't look away,
But I did.
I swore I heard you say
"It aches."
Your heart.
So tired, so worn
But my words, they were true.
Love. I love you.
My eyes brimmed with tears
I meant to say
"I ache too".
Chaos, to the butterflies wing
Your wings. Just yours.
I will stand strong,
With broken legs
With missing pieces
To make this right.
I give my wishes, every single one
To the stars
To the moon
To the embers in a flame
That one day,
Some day
We will smile at one another
Laugh sweetly
Knowing we did it.
We made it. We lived. We lived
To come to this moment
Without fear
Without shame
Without hurt.
Love. I love you.
That's what I meant to say,
But could not.
For the timing was not right
So I smiled into your eyes
You knew just what that really meant.
© Aren