

The melodies of a lonely shadow

A lonely soul trapped in a wisp of girl sits in a solemn silence by the lake outside my window night after night.

I cannot help but finding myself caught in the ethreal beauty of her melancholy wrapped in the glistening moonlight.

Mesmerized by the almost melodic way the wind tousels her seemingly silk inky locks.

My heart undoubtably anquished by what tragedy such a beauty must have seen to become the strange lonely shadow below skipping rocks

I never see her face yet I always sense her tears.

I often wonder if she is merely a figment of my imagination but she's been there for years.

Night after night she sits there alone, no other company just water and stone.

Does she cry to the moon and tell him her pain?

Does she tell him her secrets when she sits in the rain?

Does she whisper of sorrow and love gone awry?

Does she tell him the reason she can do naught but cry?

Can he feel her sadness as I do each night?

It makes my soul shiver until dawn brings light.

I long to bring comfort but there is none I fear.

The wind whispers "Caution you're not welcome here."

She drifts away slowly before morning light,

The lonely shadow that haunts me each and every night.
Copyright: Shaina Briggs 2020