

When I look at the mountains,
Lower my gaze to the valleys,
I admire beautiful fountains,
And a little bird chirping solely,
I admire the movement of the branches of trees,
Praising God in their unique way,
The wonderful picturesqueness of the sea,
Displaying their skill in dancing waves,
When I read the creation story,
I am flabagasted and stand in awe,
God's artwork is a wonderful glory,
He deserves our worship with a bow,
Humankind is the best of God's creation,
We were made to revere God
So why don't we honour Him in our actions?
The duty of humankind is to fear God and keep His commands,
The Holy Spirit of God is our help in all our functions,
We have a common destination,
Heaven is the place Jesus has prepared for us,
Let us make it in unity and Love for God,
Believe in Jesus and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit,
Heaven cannot be missed for anything
Don't miss it!

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