

Serene Essence: Blue
In the realm where skies unfold,
A hue is born, a tale untold.
I am the color of depths serene,
A tranquil essence, a vibrant sheen.

I'm the whisper of a summer's breeze,
A tranquil river through the trees.
I'm the twilight's gentle cloak,
Enveloping night in a tranquil stroke.

I'm the sapphire tear of a distant star,
Reflecting your dreams from afar.
I'm the melancholy in a lover's sigh,
A canvas of emotions, reaching high.

I am the ocean's endless embrace,
A boundless expanse, a sacred space.
I'm the azure dance of a soaring bird,
In the vastness of sky, my spirit's stirred.

I'm the mystic aura of twilight's fall,
A painter's stroke upon the wall.
I'm the pulse within a poet's rhyme,
A melody that transcends through all time.

I'm the solace in a troubled soul,
A tranquil haven, making you whole.
I'm the symbol of hope and peace,
A shade of calm that will never cease.

Close your eyes and let me imbue,
The essence of tranquility into you.
I am the color that forever runs deep,
Eternally enchanting, forever to keep.

© Quiet Winter