

I don't want it to be to late
Before you realise I'm at death's gate
Gently knocking hoping for a clean slate.

I'm not the perfect person you wanted or thought I would be
I make mistakes
Heck, I have countless weaknesses
I'm flawed without end
And I have an insecure mind

My heart is patched up
From all the broken times
When life was simply unfair
My wounds are still fresh
From all the times humanity
Showed me their true colors
My soul is still sore
From when fantasy introduced reality to me.

I could never forget that day
I cried hoping I would wake up
And it would just be a dream
That the world we had when we were young
Was still a thing
But it was gone
And it stole our innocence along with it

I'm not some perfect picture for society's display
Not a melancholic invention so they can prey

I am me
A girl adorned with so many scars
Life named her a masterpiece.

I am me
Whose enemies thought they had won
When she fell to the ground
But bounced back stronger than ever

I am me
The one who was referred to as 'weird' and 'unstable'
But will soon be considered enviable

I am me.
A heart shattered too many a time
The universe cried plenty

I am me.
A soul tormented from miles
Society had to tell lies

I am me
A mind
That has been taunted to early
By too many worries

Yet again,
This experience this journey
It was mine
My masterpiece
I got to see the various shades of people
I got to see those who swore loyalty stab me at the back
I got to realise
This Era was slowly losing it's morality
Where a person skin color made a diversity

Where a person was a regarded as an out cast because he was 'too quiet'
Where a victim was 'asking for it'
if she short dresses
I don't support indecent dressing
I also don't support rape
Any person that thinks otherwise, is just deranged.

Oh in this Era.
It's nothing like it used to be
It lacks the innocence we used to savour
It lacked the love it used to offer
Trust seems to far away
Deceit a very sane thing

In this Era
Where violence is referred to as 'mucho'
And corruption 'smart'

Here it's okay to step on others
To get your own way
Hard work doesn't pay
Cause people have ruined it with the sweet venom they say
They joggle their way to the top.
With half hearted desires

It was in these I died and was born
In these trials and painful days
When life taught me
People no longer mean what they say
And positivity is fates way
Of helping pain gain more weight.
Cause the bigger the dreams
The more excruciating the pain.

Oh yes, I'm nothing like before
Not the perfect piece you once adored
I'm not a sequel to the past book
Or the prequel to it
I'm a new one now.
With a different summary and plot line.
I plan to leave a new taste in the mouths of life lines

It is still a painful journey
Merely getting to know one another
Where one man's brother
Is worse than his enemy
And his own lover
Is his very own downer
Where his closest friend
Desperately wants him to end
And his very own 'well wishers'
Watches society eat him whole
Where a stranger
Can go many miles
Just to make you smile
But the people close to you
Are lost too many miles
Nurturing themselves as your loyal foes
And society
Is just jealous of the fake image he nursed

I'm not perfect
But if you will accept me as i am
With all my scars,wounds, sores and lessons
You won't me taking in scrap.

You'll be taking in a strong girl
A strong friend, strong sister
Who would never let you
suffer through
what life made her.

(P. S this is literally a vent sorry if it's crappy, thanks for reading till the end
That rhymed;)