

What is Corona
What is Corona

We complain that God is silent,
So quickly we forgot,so short is our memory span,
He created the world ,who are we to question Him?
When He said,He had a plan ,why should we doubt?
He commanded and things appeared!
He created us in His own image and likeness.
What is Corona?

Through Moses,He divided the Red sea,
From bare rocks come clean water!
Remember the ten plagues,shows He will always fight for us.
He provided food on the desert,
What is Corona?

What is hard to understand,when the Bible says God is not a man,
He is not a man to change His mind,
He made a promise with Noah never to destroy the earth,
Daily God is watching,He is always merciful,
What is Corona?

Why are we doubting His love,John 3:16,
For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son,
He gave His own for us sinners,
Through Jesus death we are winners,
What is Corona?

He walked on water and He was never wet!
He commanded the stormy sea,
And it obeyed,
Remember He raised many,
What is Corona?

Remember the woman,yes that lady with blood problem,
Twelve years of pain,twelve years a slave,
No doctor,no witch,no wizard could cure her,
She had lost all her property,
But a touch on Jesus' garment,boom she was healed,
What is Corona?

If I continue to count the miracles,
And the many fulfilled promises ,I could write a book,
When you are afraid remember fear belongs to the devil,
Remember Psalms 91,He will always protect the righteous,
When you think it is the end of you,
Remember Jeremiah 29:11,He will always have a plan for you.
What is Corona?

This is more than an ordinary poem,
True hell awaits us sinners,
But we still have the chance to repent,
He is faithful,He will renew us,the blood has power,
The fact that many are dying from corona,
And you are able to read this,means our God is full of mercy,
Waking up today is a miracle,
It shows you have defeated corona,
So are you still doubting His power?
What is Corona?