

The way
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way
Hold on to hope of life.
It strengthen you each day.
As time pass bye.
Tears will dry up.
The memories of your loved ones,
pass by as a shadow of yesterday.
Darkness of shadow,
will not be in, the light of tomorrow.
every strom has a silverlining.
Stand up and walk again.
Lets bury the dead
as they walk through their
way out from hades,

Life has new begining
awaiting for you
in hope and faith.
Courage comes to those who are awake.
so hold on
brush up your sorrow
get up and walk
ones again.

open are the doors of tomorrow
You will be strenghtened and comforted.
As you brush up
your sorrows and walk
Yes, walk once again.

© Vanessa Dsouza