

I Was Raised In An Asylum
In halls of learning, where minds are freed,
I found myself trapped, in a sea of reads,
Books towered high, like prison walls,
Poetry and themes, my constant calls.

I wandered through pages, lost and alone,
Searching for answers, in lines overthrown,
Themes and motifs, like whispers in the dark,
Echoes of meaning, forever left to mark.

The weight of words, a burden to bear,
Analysis and critique, a constant glare,
The pressure to perform, a race to win,
Leaving me breathless, with a soul to mend.

In this asylum of academia, I searched for a door,
A way to escape, from the chaos I adored,
But the more I read, the more I felt confined,
A prisoner of knowledge, forever left behind.

But then I broke free, from the asylum's gate,
And entered the real world, with a hesitant fate,
I saw the reality, of life's daily strife,
And the fallacy of books, that had been my life.

But now I see, that the world outside,
Is not as rosy, as the pages I'd hide,
The pressure to survive, the constant grind,
Leaves me longing, for my asylum's confines.

For in the real world, there's no time to ponder,
No space to dream, no moment to wander,
The daily struggle, to make ends meet,
Is a harsh reality, that can't be beat.

So I'd rather return, to my asylum's embrace,
Where words were my friends, and my soul found its space,
For in the world outside, I'm lost and alone,
But in my asylum, I am home.

Now that I have returned, I have my peace,
In the silence, between the lines,
I found a glimmer of hope, a light that shines,
A chance to rediscover, to redefine,
My own voice, my own truth, my own rhyme.

So I rose from the ashes, like a phoenix born,
With a heart full of words, and a soul reborn,
I found solace in poetry, in the rhythm and the sound,
A way to express, the chaos that I'd found.

In this asylum of learning, where I was raised,
I discovered my strength, my voice, my gaze,
A way to navigate, the labyrinth of my mind,
And find my own truth, my own peace, my own rhyme.


© Haiza.