

Will I make it?
Tears flow from my eyes,
Not knowing if I can make it.
It's hard to breathe everyday.
Know that everyone's surging ahead.
We aren't in battle,
We are in a mess.
I tried hard everyday ,
Yet the darkness surrounds me.
Losing everytime I stand up,
Yet I still stand.
How long will the tears flow.
I tried stopping it
Yet it passed down.
How long will I put up the mask
Telling everyone that I'm Okay,but
Deep down having the unexplainable fear.

The eyes are getting red day by day,
The heart is slowing down day by day,
The ray of hope becoming dimmer day by day,
What more should I do?
People ready to celebrate my loss.
And Envy my victory.
Surrounded by people who pull me down,
Find every chance to hurt me

Will I ever make it??
© @broken_piece