

I should've seen the signs
The constant dressing up, not leaving your phone near me anymore, constantly flaking on our dates, cause you were too "busy"
Accusing me of fooling around when you know I do not have it in me
Things you never used to do
My heart overruled my head, cause deep down I still believed that you were the same loving soul I fell for
How naive of me
The day I found out, crushed me
And you stole my belief in love
My faith, hope, trust in love was stripped and I started questioning the way I love
Should I tone down my affection?
Must my guard always be up?
All in the fear of avoiding the heartache I had to stare in the face

I have a different idea of love now, and it'll take a monumental effort for someone to make me fall again
All because of you
The spineless coward who couldn't tell me that they do not love anymore