

Ran from home...
We realised,
We ran from home,
the home that once fed us;
the home that once sheltered us.
Future seemed promising;
the urge to venture out,
it just couldn't stop stinging.
Now here we are
In mysery we languish.
Rejection rings loudest in our minds.
Failure shouts at our faces.
Why did we try this?

Out there promised paradise
immense happiness and the 'masti' grand
That from home we saw a shore
It's now dawning to us
We're beginning to see.
We left home for a jungle
and now hope we can find our way back.

We've tried fighting out here
realised this ain't the battle field at home.
We tried learning out here
but the teachers are way too cruel.
We tried swimming through the waves
but here tides are stranger
they ain't like those at home.
Now crave for the shelter we once had
the one outside here ushers the cold way too easily.
Perhaps they were right;
Head north go south traverse the west to the east
Home has no marching comparison
No place is better than home.

© ceazar