

Dream Girl (🚨 Explicit language)
If only I were the girl of your dreams,
You'd craft the effort to make time for me.
You'd like my company, not escaping feeling lonely.
You'd hold space and love for me, only.
When will I come to reality?
See the convenience I give constantly.
See that it's breaking me slowly,
Always comparing myself to the girl in your dream,
Who probably don't exist,
But I always fear when the next bitch is gonna come take you away from me.
Sadness, another slit on my body while hers is all smooth and perky.
Is this the best I get? I once felt like I was a man's dream. Now I'm waking up everyday, feeling like I'm chasing,
Feeling like I'm begging.
For shit she never has to ask you,
You'd always be willing.
You'd kiss away her nightmares,
Smiling as happy as can be.
While here I am, because I woke up as me.
© bluebliss