

~ Peace".........!
Peace, comes in might.
It is the power that is not power and the light that appears in darkness..
It is the shade that appears in dazzling light.
It is the joy that is always unspoken and the grief that is never felt.
It is profound.
It is the immortal life which is never lived.
Actually it is not joy noe sorrow but something which is between them.
It is not might nor morrow but something that joins the both.
It is not sweet rest during music and pause of sacred art.
It is the silence between speaking and the clam of heart between two passions .
For the poet it is beauty which has never been seen and love that stands alone.
It is a song which always remains unsung and the knowledge which is never known.
It is death between two lives .
It is lull between two storms and the empty space between the virgin and end of the universe.
It is something that absorb all the tears and spread smile .
It is the smiling form and the goal of life and peace is its ultimate home.
` Swami vivekanand

© priyanka..