

Empty Hopes of A Damaged Soul
From the moment I first breathed,
the warmth of love never touched my soul.
An empty heart, craving for what it never knew
the pure love that never came.

In the dark corners of my mind,
echoes of an empty life resound,
aching for just a droplet of care.
And when the hollow heart,
the ones who would never truly love,
gave me a fleeting hope of care,
I surrendered,
I worshipped,
I bled myself dry,
for just a taste of what I never had.

Nights weighed like lead on my chest,
sobs swallowed by the warm embrace of pillow,
muffled cries so the world would never hear,
a world that already turned its back.

Life, a duty stripped of meaning,
an endless cycle of breaths,
I no longer wish to take.
If only I could shatter this cruel existence,
but even in this, I am bound,
by chains of despair and divine indifference.

Perhaps, God crafted some of us as cruel jokes,
perfect on the surface,
but shattered within.
Or maybe, the world’s harsh hands
molded us into this
a wreckage, too damaged to be healed.

Thankyou For Reading This!🤍

© The dead lily

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#lifeless #shattered #poetrycommunity
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