

Love Anthem
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

the silence of your unanswered calls amplifies my pain
in a desire to hear your serene voice, my skies desperately rain

wanting to feel the warmth of love on your deadly face
I walk through death every night trying to save myself

days now are miserably cold, your sweatshirts don't keep me warm anymore
a cup of coffee feels like potion, nothing soothes like before

your thoughts, your dreams no longer dwell in my mind
promises to keep, I hope you save me a seat next time

I've changed the paint of your walls to shades of rose
extremely tired of the darkness your rooms hid under the tints of blue

my hair's much shorter now and all our albums are burned
our memories are ethced in my heart , I shall soon overcome

I couldn't save your existence, but I keep saving you in my poems
next time we'll meet, I'll read you our love anthem

© s.r.m

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