

Don't stop yourself....
Don't stop yourself....
from the enjoyment..
from the joyous moment...
because you fear what comes Next..

Don't stop yourself...
from the excitement you feel...
for what you've received...
because you fear what you'll lose Next...

Don't stop yourself...
from being happy...
restraining youself showing your bright smile...
quit thinking are u allowed to be happy..
because you fear what you'll hear Next...

Don't stop yourself....
from being sad...
when you feel pain..
quit thinking that is your weakness...
because you fear what they'll do Next...

EMOTIONS... are the feelings that..
you feel at the moment..
which helps your dear ones to understand you..
and support you..
so don't restrain yourself.. let them flow..
you are a flower with many colours..
called emotions..

future is uncertain..so be brave ...
look around you.. stop thinking you're the only one..
what happens in future..happens anyway..
so don't be afraid of future..that impact the present..
every body in this world are allowed to be happy..
in their own pace...

- cRosé