

Enemy of dreams
In deep shadows where moonlight fades,
There lurks the enemy, an enemy of dreams.
A snake of cunning, sleek, sly and
Coiled in darkness beneath the sky.
With scales that sparkles, in firefly glow,
It moves with stealth in a a silent flow,
Through dreams it slithers, with venomous might,
Injecting doubt, poisoning the night.
In whispers low, it hisses lies,
Criss-crossing truth with twisted ties,
A tempter lurking, in the mind's abyss,
A foe disguised, with a venomous kiss.
But fear not, dreamer, hold your ground,
With strength and faith, let truth resound,
For dreams are resilient, they never bend,
Against the serpent's deceit, they ascend.
© kamau_kagwe/lpm

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