

Leave me alone
Yes, I eat
A lot actually
For many reasons you may or may not understand
You see?
I eat to defeat the thoughts that goes on inside of my head,
telling me that I should shove my gun down your throat and make you swallow my bullets
I’m tired of people telling me that I should eat
That I need more meat on my bones and then get upset with the tone in my voice as I mount to poise,
and jump on them
Slap them until they understand
Until they get mad,
then make some ignorant ass comment about how they should fight back even though their hands are tied down and they can’t do anything about it
Not even a little bit
Yes, I’m skinny
No, I don’t need meat on my bones
You need to stop being ignorant and telling me what to do as if you own my body and you know what’s best for me,
when in reality,
You have not the slightest nor sophisticated clue as to what’s best for yourself
Besides starting an early death because you lack the skills you need to take care of yourself and yes,
I drink water
Five, six bottles a day and I eat just as much
My body doesn’t show it and it doesn’t need to just to please you because I don’t look the way you do
This is my body and I’m in control
Leave me alone

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