


Love, loyalty, respect and honesty are free.
If you take me for granted it plants the seed.
The sun no longer shines on us, but the plant still grows.
The plant that was seeded with love has become an illusion.
The seeds of mistrust, uncertainty,fear and confusion have laid the foundation of growth.
What once was bright and full of life withers with neglection.
The plant thrives in the dark; all alone, under the waning moon. Upon reflection, the seeds were planted in soil with oppression.
Established by infertility we repressed how beautiful it should be. Nothing can survive when starved with rejection of affection.
The flowers of conversion have begun their bloom. Lost in a void we thrived too soon. Eclipsed by the irony that we started off as friends. I can't move past what could have been. I thought we would ascend. Instead the flowers turned into fake feelings playing pretend. You never know what nature intends.
The leaves of memories are filled with dreams of what we once were and strived to achieve. The night storm whelped what we had grown. All hope of patience is withering like a cyclone.
From the thorns I bleed. This should not sting. Along the way you became a part of me. I pull away and push out the pain. The scars will always remain.
The stem was the weakest of them all. It was the first life from the seed. As it grew it forgot to breathe. With no saturation or air to grow, the mirage of emotion begins to show.
There is so much I needed to know. Shadows cast doubt on our fantasy. Reality was the death of that growing seed.
An oasis of words having gone unsaid. Life cannot sustain without growth and trust. During extinction all that remains converts to dust.

© Jamie Clay