

Miss someone
Write about missing some,
someone who suddenly left
Thears fall down on my paper,
This happen and I never saw the signs,
never discover a red flag.
Now I know, and it opens my eyes
People can dissapear out of your life,
totally unexpected, and you felt so betrayed, but you have the love and support of people who really care and never leave you. You can count on them, They help you to let go, and move on and not look back the whole time. After a while the sun will shine again, in your heart and in your mind, there grows something inside of you, that little seed of hope, and it will become a blooming flower someday, and you learn to keep faith and you have back the trust you always had in your life, like a bird who"s wings are broken and now are repaired
You fly again and dont"t be scared.
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