

You Can't
You can try but you can't break Me
Your words are like thorns , once you open your mouth people are getting hurt
Cause envy and jealousy are your foundation
You hate the wise , cause you know they will expose you
You reset correction , cause you are a narcissist person
You love to hurt people , cause that's how your parents raised you
You live in a delusional world where nobody is wiser than you
Your foundation is a mess , and you are not even trying to clean it up
You are good at lying and blaming , you are never responsible
Even if you did play your part , you will always blame other people

We were supposed to conquer evil with good
But we are conquering good with evil , you were supposed to be happy
But you let depression lead you to the Grave
How can you let anger , pain , agony be the end of you
You are better than that , remember you are more than a conqueror
So how can you let your flesh and the enemy take you down like that ?
While you got the word ? Tell the enemy that he can't
© Mr: Doing the impossible