

I have walked on thorns before
It was not as painful as you might think
Because Jesus was by my side the whole time
Now imagine walking on burning coal
Weak in faith and stubborn at the same time
You let go of Jesus and shut him out
The heat gets intense but you are not even half way
Jesus reminds you : My child, I will not leave nor forsake you
The senseless part of you says that ignorance is bliss right after seeing a clear route nearby and you take another step forward
It hurts
All in your slow-witted mind is that seemingly valuable route and you endure the pain
Enduring the pain because you are too weak to handle it
Only to find out later that Jesus is the rock of strength when you are now stranded on that clear and slippery road that left you in a pain much greater than before
Because Jesus is love, he forgives you for doubting him and helps you out
Life without Him no matter how seemingly valuable leads to emptiness
For he is the vine and we are the branches
Without him we can do nothing
© baonebridget