

Student's Agony
Life used to be full of light
Miss those best childhood years
Now it just feels empty drought
longing for the end of tears

My heart says am sorry buddy
I am tired having your back
On the verge of a hard attack
crack the code or do it by hack

The unbearable inexistence of success
and lost the meaning of hopes
my so called creative mind
is now only capable of imagining ropes

This craving eagerness for death
Haunting me in every dream
painfull whispers by my soul
cause it already lost the spirit to scream..

Sometimes i am perfect
sometimes i am useless
You ask me what is pain
cause sometimes I am painless

The grief is not about hardwork
its about the lack of belief
if even once u tried knowing me
it would have been so much relief...

A very new poem from your own writers
Deja and @Tanish3939
Here we wanted to express the feelings of a student who is overburdened by the expectations of society...at such a young age...

It was great again collabing with you
Hope we are gonna create more such creative poems in future✨✨✨

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