

Dear Mother
why dont you listen when I scream your name ?
Why dont you believe the words I say ?
He hurt me... i swear I wouldnt lie about this..
he said he just wanted one hug and one kiss...
i knew it was wrong but what could I do.
it was ether let him ? or have him hurt sissy too.
something changed in me that night
I lost myself
i lost my light
how could you not listen to my cries
and you wonder why I am the way i am
you act surprised
you say you love me and they took me away
but lets be honest you gave up
didnt even show up in court that day
the judge told you dont even bother
if all your reason was "Because im the mother"
dont get me wrong I love you i do
but you will never get my respect
its sad but its true
you gave my innocence away like it wasnt nothing like it didnt matter at all
all for what a pipe and an 8ball?
you think you deserve mother of fhe year
you should get an award and we all should cheer
but heres the sad honest truth
I cant even stand to look at you
I cant stand to be near you
i hate the sound of your breathin
but you did this
all cause you were feinin.
im going to cut this poem short
cuz i dont want to give you any more of my time.
I dont even KNO why i wanted to right this poem this rhyme
i thougt it would make me feel
maybe even a little bit better
but no it was just a waste of time

not one of my best writings but...
© TanyaElizabeth