

Let Me Be With You Now
Let Me Be With You Now

Let me be with you
Your front porch
At the doctor's office
Atop a mountain
Heaven or Hell
The grocery store
A coffee shop
Museum, beach, volcano
Prison cell, China
In the desert, Antarctica
Your closet
Anywhere there is space for two bodies
Yours. Mine.
I won't ruin your dress
Or smudge your lipstick with a sloppy kiss
I won't breathe on you
I will only stand beside you, look into your eyes
And be where I've always known my home to be
Let me be with you
In the morning
At midnight
In the light
Or deepest dark
On the moon
In a quantum state
In a book
At the end of a long, lonely road...
But NOW.

In your room
(I close my eyes and I'm almost there. Can you feel me?)

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