

the sea
How many tears have fallen down.... how many more til I drown.... already a sea of humility.... floating.... bearly breathing.... silence echos....
The loudest sound..... nothing in the minds eye just a reflection.....
Shattered.... the tears keep falling.... the pain keeps rising....
Cant seem to touch the sand....
I hear I love you....
Then Watched as u saved urself.... u didnt even offer me ur hand....
Life..... looking back....
Raging winds taking me closer to the edge.... confusion sets the waves in motion.... pushing through over the damn....
Years of hope and a lifetime full of love.... searching for a rainbow.... praying to the man above...
Take these tears that fall like rain.... let the sun shine and make the waters drain.... let the wind gently calm my fears....
Keep me focus.... for the rest of my years....

© babyhicks74