

Chance to cry farewell tears,
have lingered long foregone.
Yet I dwell in past years,
where darkness falls no dawn.
Repenting reaped regret,
to sow the seams undone.
I've stitched your silhouette,
inside the hearts, you've won.
Still, thoughts remain askew,
mind withered in despair.
Oh how I wish I knew,
your moments were so rare.
Feel torn between the doubt,
and what was meant to be.
For if my eyes could shout,
your voice would blindly see.
Still, then I heard you scream,
the final call to pass.
As life became a dream,
adrift a hazy mass.
Though everyday I pray,
to split my life in two.
I'd send a half your way,
and live the rest with you.
© Reba Mounce