

The story of us
If only they wrote The Story Of Us,
Would they realise how much we would cuss.
How each chapter had some romance ,
How much we would have fans.

If only they wrote The Story Of Us,
Would they realise how much we relied.
How much I loved,How much you cared,
What the bond was that we shared.

If only they wrote The Story Of Us,
Would they know how much I cried.
How much you loved me,
And how much you hide.

If only they wrote The Story Of Us,
Would they realise how emotional the chapters would be.
How much they would cry,
Because The Story Of Us would be heartbreaking.

How I was jealous when she was with you,
And how I wanted her to come back when she left you.
How I felt your pain and how my heart ached to see you insane,
How much close we were,and How I turned things that grew us apart,
Once I didn't but now I dared.

If only they wrote The Story Of Us,
I would want you to read it,to clear all the shit.
If only they wrote The Story Of Us.
© GlimpseLove