

Letter to a Black Child
Letter to a Black Child

Welcome to a reality tv world.
A world meant for the bold.
A word full of hearts that are cold.
Full of sins that are never told.

It's so sad that you had to live in a country,
That doesn't believe in dreams.
The peoole criticize each others religion.
A country full of division.

Welcome to a country that lacks vision.
A country that kids are not taught to believe in dreams.
When they decide to follow their dreams,not school,
They are called fools.

I hope you don't inherit the hate,
You are given towards your fellow African brothers.
Please give them love,
In the eyes of the Creator,you both share the same blood.

Please go out there and touch lives.
Make souls brave.
Don't forget to free the slaves.
Watch out for the temptations that tests your faith.

Boy From The Hood

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