

Inside out
If I was inside out,
There'd be nothing to see,
Just blue blood,
My insecurities,
Not the girl you see.
What do you really see?
I should change,
It'll be better that way.
Is it the color or the self.
Which exactly should I change?
I see no beauty in the self.
I know no such thing like that.
My mind isn't here.
I don't know where.
I'm dead
Hanging, on the roof.
I'm turned upside down,
It'll all be okay now.

If I'm turned inside out.
You'd hear a tune and tune me out.
I'm better mute, not much to say.
If I could talk, I'd wash my mouth out with soap.
If you could hear, you'd tune me out.
I'm displeasing to all ears.

If I'm turned inside out,
All you'll see is a tired queen.
A pawn, who's lost her throne.
The knights are gone.
No one left to stand and fight.

If I'm turned inside out,
You'd have to bring a mop,
To clean up the floor.
The mess I've made might overwhelm.
I'm sorry, it's all my fault.

If I'm turned inside out,
You're run and hide,
It's not for kid's.
I'm sorry I'm dead.
© camvickbone