

A Soul

I saw a soul,
alone begging for being to pair without saying a words,
hoping to meet his another soul,
asking for a love,
asking for a lover and light of his life,
wishing to be pair forever,
nevertheless he cannot see her.

He was broken by many souls,
who were cruel to him,
he lost his trust and faith,
he weared a cold facade of strength,
when he was weak from inside,
he isolated himself from world,
the wall between him and the world was big,
no one can enter it,
his soul was safe inside,
he thought and continue to live like that someone peek from the door.

He didn't let her enter,
she knows about him,
the fear she feel in him,
Was well-known to her,
she wait for him to open,
he was testing her for himself,
she didn't fragile,
she keep trying to help him,
until she started falling for him,
he didn't notice her,
how she slowly entering his wall without breaking it,
he can feel the effort of her,
and finally fall for her.
And the world got a beautiful pair
of the lovers of soul.

#Love&love #inspirational #LoveVsDestiny #inspiring #WritcoQuote #Writing #writer

©Bear secure it(hehe)