

The Contrast
In the realm of choices, emotions often sway,
Leading us astray, in the light of day.
But let us not forget, in the heart's loud din,
The voice of reality, whispers within.

Emotions, like waves, ebb and flow,
But reality, like the shore, remains in tow.
It grounds us, reminds us, of what is true,
Guiding our choices, in all we do.

Emotions paint pictures, in hues so bright,
But reality sketches, in black and white.
It shows us the world, as it truly is,
A balance of joy, and of abyss.

So, let us not forget, the voice of reality, our safety net.
For emotions may waver, may rise and fall,
But reality stands firm, through it all.

Let us consider reality, in all we do,
Balancing emotions, with a view that's true.
For in this balance, wisdom lies.
© Lily

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