

The face seen in fragments of shattered mirrors
You had it all.

The money, the time, friends and foes alike.
You had the chance to make yourself, refine and build you into the unbreakable success.

You had intimacy and the divine on your side, giving you unquenchable strength and motivation.

You had the love of the whole world and the affection of one. Became an apple in the eyes of billions who loves and cherishes all you do.

You had the fate of your supremacy, and the law working in your favour, so you never need to fear going amiss.

You had everything one would wish for. Yet, for a cause that least affects you, you became a fool throwing everything like it never was.

You weren't just good, but great, and in the words you said, there's only but one way out of the shadows of death. And blindly, you walked through with no protection, and caused upheavals in darkness cause you were the light of you. Magnanimously, undisturbed.

You envisioned the future, yet felt stronger when all your friends left in the harshest of ways. They no longer mattered.

You were the truth of who you were, and who you are triggered who you were going to be.

A legend.

Because when you look into the mirror, the only person that truly matters is that embodiment of creativity, the independent structure of a lifetime in self love. Crushed, but rigidly strong to be broken. Hurt, but big enough to let aggression rule.

You didn't just become a fool in the eyes of those who had their hopes high on you. For nothing ever makes sense in a world that lack understanding.

You walked in your path, and with vigor, you fell. Bruised and battered by adversity, but triumphant, on the colt of an ass, you rode yourself into victory.

You were the best in the sight of men. Yet in your eyes you weren't the best, but a legend. A star that can't be seen with the naked eye, above all stars. The undisputed champion and the hero of strong will.

You passed through the storms, eruptions and quakes in order to make you possible, so that forever more, you'd be the champion of all possibilities.

You.The face seen in fragments of shattered mirrors.


© nanribetcornelius