

I'll Miss You, Maybe Always
My feet failed me to walk away from you!
“Let’s keep this love a secret”, I whispered, Our love is known by only a few!
People perceived me like a color book, but you read the poetries.
I never knew what love was until I felt your kiss
Now I pick random flowers and I whisper “It’s you that I miss!”
And I whisper, one day that you’ll come back to me!
We say “We’ll stay only if destiny mends us to be”
You have no other go than to remind me to move on!
But this love is worth fighting, these words mutually whisper in our head “Just hold on!”
Rose in the absence of a garden,
And it’s like a shore, but there’s no sea!
If you leave me, Oh girl Parden!
There wouldn’t be me!

#WritcoPoemPrompt118 #writco #poems #love #writcopoems #poem

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