


I closed the door behind
Turned off the light and returned back to my darkness.
Darkness seems to be an ally now.
The bright light seems vacant and distant
And the world seems empty.
But in the darkness at least there is someone
Someone that seems to have dissolved in this darkness,
Someone who finds it warm and peaceful
That someone is just like me.
She is just like me
She cry a lot these times
Everyday she finds excuses to cry with me
She stares at the people living in the other world
She listen to them the whole day.
But she cries knowing that they don't to belong to her.
She watches the birds fly.
Those people from the other world
They tell her stories of love
Stories of struggle and faith.
Stories of starting with nothing to having everything
And she asked me, will I ever learn to accept my flaws?
Will the day come,when I will spread my wings and fly?
Will the other birds ever sing to me as well?
Will I ever love myself?
Every time she ask,
I answer "yes love, you will"
She smiles and finds hope in my answer
But I am also just like her.
I ask exactly same things to myself, Will I ever be grateful for life?
Will I ever return to the brightness?
Will I ever witness my dreams turn into reality?
Unable to answer, I ask yet another question
Will I ever answer Yes to myself?...
© Eric Lanor