

Under Control
Unearthly black shadows , depth cries of night,
Devoid of iridescence, devoid of all light.
The senses play tricks on you, that's what they want,
Terror and fear reign deep in this spot.

Oh prey for the sunrise, salvation of dawn,
Bringing the sunlight of which we’re all born
Until then stand beside me, do not be forlorn,
I won't be the player, I won't be the pawn.

David John ©️
Copyright 2023

By exploring the theme of darkness and fear with Imagery of “unearthly black shadows” and the “depth cries of night” I aim to convey a sense of foreboding and despair, endured by so many.

The absence of light and iridescence intensifies the eerie atmosphere, whilst suggesting that perception can be deceptive, playing tricks on the senses to instill terror.

The plea for the sunrise and the salvation of dawn represents hope and a longing for light to dispel the darkness.
I was hoping to portray the longing for true companionship during this ominous time, (represented by the “bringing of the sunlight and “until then stand beside me”) to assist them in not succumbing to manipulation, as well as wanting no part in the role of manipulator, stating, “I won’t be the player, I won’t be the pawn.” when the light is finally seen.

Overall, the poem explores the contrast between darkness and light, fear and hope, with a resilient stance against manipulation and despair.

I wrote this considering the many people out there stuck in controlling relationships with nuances to simultaneously represent the controlling forces that govern our daily lives.

I could have easily written more stanzas on this but decided to keep it brief and vague as I did not wish it to be triggering for people in bad situations.

I hope you like it. 🙏

#poetry #creativewriting
© Copywrite 2023