

"Do you believe in love at first sight ?" , she asked
"No.i don't" , he replied
" Well..I may say the same if someone ask me
Before I saw you
I thought that,
There's no logic falling in LOVE by just seeing someone first time
But I was wrong
Love at first sight is TRUE
It's not about the looks of a person
It's about the feeling that raises in our heart
We see billions of people around us Everyday
But the feeling comes to that one person
Our heart shouts when it reaches to its mate
When I saw you,I felt that my heart is shouting to me,saying you are the one
Yeah..I fell in love at the first sight with you."

"HELLO MISS,.! Are you listening??! "
He asked her with confuse
( he's opposing the concept of LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT from the beginning)
She came to the world
All the words are running in her mind
"Yes.. you're Right
I don't believe in too" she replied

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